电话: 024-31297709
手机: 15502484598
Q Q: 149175173
地址: 沈阳棋盘山东10公里
浏览量:330 更新时间:2019/11/9 22:43:19
   Guanlingshan Cemetery website official statement Dear customers: Recent Internet platform (people's network, 58 tongcheng, Baidu, etc.) on a variety of false information about The Quanling Mountain Cemetery and impersonation of the guanlingshan Cemetery official telephone and staff situation, has seriously damaged the network image of Guanlingshan Cemetery and corporate interests. Guanling Mountain Cemetery hereby clarifies: 1, Guanlingshan Cemetery has free to see the tomb car, will not charge additional fees. Customers can make an appointment in advance. 2, Guanlingshan Cemetery tomb price has the official unified price, the general public please identify the only official telephone: 024-3129709 call the official customer service telephone consultation. If there are promotions in the park, the Company will be on the official website in real time updated and published. 3, Guanlingshan Cemetery is the provincial civil affairs department approved the legal operating cemetery, complete procedures, compliance and legal. For the network deliberately smear the company's posts have been complained about the clean-up treatment, the general public can be assured to buy!
  地址:沈阳棋盘山东10公里 电话:024-31297709    QQ:149175173
版权所有:辽宁观陵山艺术园林公墓     ICP备案编号: 辽ICP备10006686号-4